It's already week 4 of university already and I am already flunked with so many assignments and homework. So far I haven't had any stressful days just yet .. but it is slowly creeping onto me. Here is an outfit that I was planning to wear to uni but being me .. I ended up right back into bed LOL! Felt like it was a waste to just take it off so I decided to snap some photos and probably save this outfit for next week haha! Everything besides the hat and the boots are thrifted. As you can see, my boots are absolutely ragged but I can't throw these babies out just yet!
Another update would be that I am done with volunteering for the VAMFF and it was quite an interesting experience! One of the shift I had was a front-of-house shift and it was on a Thursday where we had to set up one of the run-ways; that being Cosmos and Elles. This meant that we were able to watch the show for free and even received some free goodies. It was super fun and so glad that I was given the opportunity to experience one of the best runways!
Some of Cameo and Jagger the Label design pieces |
xoxo linh
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